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Plasma cutting services / CNC Press Brake
Plasma cutting services provided by Maruthi Fabtech Pvt. Ltd for cut steel and other metals of different thicknesses, variety shapes and as per as clients desired shape. We have the high definition plasma cutting machine which has wide popularity in all over India. Our engineers and high qualified technician provides quality solution for different range of thickness of steel and other metals ranging from 1mm to 300mm. Cutting machine has capable of cutting materials less than 5 in. thickness. Capabilities include finishing, beveling, grinding, heat treating, sand blasting, drilling and flame cutting. Our Plasma cutting service includes steel, stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, copper, bronze, brass, titanium & a wide range of other materials including nickel, precious metals & many other types of rare & hard-to-find products.
Looking for best Plasma cutting services? You are at the very appropriate place. Call us right away to have the best quote from us.
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Kingsland 1000 tons & 7 mtr length press brake